Thursday, August 2, 2018

Urban Fall-Out, The Mailbag And More

Urban Follow-Up – From the Mailbag, Texts and Tweets

I have to admit, Wednesday was a day of a lot of mixed feelings for this fan.  I’m not saying I was happy about what has happened to Courtney Smith, but I am saying I was glad she had the guts to come out and say what went down and expose Urban and Shelly Meyer for what they are.  Hypocrites who lied for the “Greater Good”.  But again, not happy that she had to suffer from the abuse she suffered from for years…These are the polarizing thoughts this fan is having at this point.  Thoughts like, “I’d rather beat the best than see him go down like this.”  And thoughts of, “If this were my guy, how would I be feeling about it?”  I mean, I think that Urban believed he was somehow doing the right thing.  And yet, in hind sight, the court of public opinion is going to more or less crucify him for doing the wrong thing…

Anyway, on with the fallout…and there was a lot.  I’m paraphrasing what a lot of you have sent me over the last 24 hours.

Before Thursday (received Wednesday afternoon – evening):

Dude – You of course have to know there’s absolutely NO WAY Urban gets canned because of this, right?  He’s winning now, won a national title for OSU and OSU won’t go through the headache of canning another coach for a measly cover up. 

Totally Agree!  I thought that at first, also.  But, the more I think about it, the more I think Urban’s in for a very rocky ride and in really deep doo-doo….

First, a little history lesson and some scenarios:

1.    The suckeyes weren’t going to fire Tressel, either, if you recall.  From the AD or president stating, “I hope he doesn’t fire me!” all the way down the line, the suckeye powermongers wanted to keep the SweaterVest at whatever political cost.  The problem became unmanageable when the NCAA got involved and issued the “show cause” regarding being able to keep the Vest employed.  After that, it was academic.   The Vest had to go…because the NCAA more or less said he had to go. 
2.    Which is why I said the Title IX investigation that should have begun in 2009 or in 2015 COULD be what eventually screws the suckeyes and Meyer.  IF they open that up NOW and everyone has to start telling truths about who knew what when with phone texts, etc, and if they follow the same roadmap as Baylor, well, it’s going to get tricky for the administration to keep Meyer, knowing that he knew he had a domestic abuser on his staff.  Which, he did, knowingly, from 2009.  That’s a real problem.  This is kind of similar to Paterno, who knew about Sandusky, reported it, but ended up doing nothing himself when he had the chance to do something.  Paterno had the power, but looked the other way.  Just like Meyer.  Again, that kind of goes back to the Turpitude Clause in Meyer’s contract.  Will the suckeye brass have the balls to do the right thing?
a.    The Wednesday development that Courtney (in the video) is claiming she didn’t know whether or not Shelly told Urban anything in 2015 looks and smells a lot like a conspiracy.  Courtney, perhaps, just wanted to bring down Zach and not hurt Urban.  So she claims she had no idea whether or not Shelly told Urban.  Shelly can say she never mentioned it to him, but really?  When those two are supposed to share everything?  Doesn’t pass the sniff test, Shelly.  I mean, fergodsakes, my wife tells me everything whether I want to hear it or not!
3.    Or, it could go the way of all the LNU cases of the basketball team and football team members that were charged with rape and Title IX investigations ensued.  The players were found to be at fault, but the coaches escaped because, “Hey, I reported everything I was supposed to when I was supposed to and then it was out of my hands!”  In fact, I would venture that the stuff Dantannino and Izzo have gotten away with is far worse than what Meyer is facing.  Based on the fact it was players they recruited and students that were the victims
4.    The suckeyes and Meyer do and say nothing based on the fact that Meyer “conveniently” stated that the first time he heard “anything” about the 2015 incident was a week before the media days (again see 2a. above).  That established his innocence and knowledge of the incident.  I’m actually beginning to wonder if McMurphy went to the suckeyes first (probably as a courtesy) before posting his investigation results to give them an opportunity to come clean, which, if you start connecting the dots and see that it was a weird statement for Meyer to make, it starts to make sense.  (Seeing as how the school has been silent on the issue this long (late Wednesday afternoon) is telling in and of itself.  They believe that Urban was telling the truth, didn’t know, and that’s it.)   But if Meyer answers any other questions on it, he’ll only be opening himself up to additional headaches…So, the suckeyes sit back and wait for the news cycle to exhaust itself and just move forward, ignoring the fact that there was a domestic abuser on the staff for the better part of 9 years. 
5.    If Meyer isn’t as healthy as we think he is or starts getting pissed off about having to address this at every presser after every game, he might just decide he’s had enough and throw in the towel again.  This scenario is as real as the others in my mind and I believe has a 25% of playing out.  That’s what happened at Florida, also, when he walked away.   

Did you know that Zach Smith was a grandson of Earl Bruce?  Could that be a big part of the reason Meyer kept him around as long as he did?

Nope and yes, absolutely.  Not until I read it in the McMurphy report did I know that Smith was Earl Bruce’s grandson.  And yes, Meyer often talks about his love and respect for Bruce and I believe that’s why Urban went to “Great Lengths” to keep Smith employed.  Quite possibly setting up his own downfall…

Why do you keep referring to McMurphy “from ESPN”?  You know he got canned, right?

Yep – but that’s where everyone knows him from.  I found it quite ironic that ESPN didn’t even have a “trending” item until about 3 hours after the first report came out at 11:00 AM.  McMurphy is, in my mind, a valued reporter that does a great job.  But his politics are different from what ESPN is becoming:  An incredibly liberal platform that only wants to spin the narrative one way.  McMurphy doesn’t fit the profile, even though he is great at his job…

So, moving forward, I’ll just refer to him as McMurphy. 

What do you think will happen to Meyer when the liberals at OSU come back?  Think they’ll protest under the #metoo banner and boycott the games?  How will the university respond to them?

Hard to say.  Assuming Meyer somehow still has a job, Ohio is a pretty conservative state and they don’t suffer (as much) of the liberal leaning left crap that a school like Michigan has to put up with.   Still, there’s gotta’ be some activism and depending on where we’re at on this issue for the home opener, there could be fall out.  It’ll be interesting to watch how it all plays out, regardless.  If the suckeyes don’t take any action, I’m guessing you’ll see some fireworks for the first game.  From someone…Heck, they might even get #metoo groups to bus into Columbus from different locations to protest.  I could see happening, pussyhats and all.

What About AD Smith In All Of This?

REALLY good question.  If in fact Shelly knew and didn’t say anything to anyone and none of the other coaches wives said anything, I guess Smith is off the hook.  But again, for as connected as this administration is to the police regarding student athletes and their activities, I find it hard to believe that Smith DIDN’T KNOW ANYTHING.  And he should be held accountable if he didn’t launch a Title IX investigation at that point in 2015.

Dan Wetzel Nails It – If Urban Knew and Did Nothing, He Should Be Canned

I always seem to agree with Dan and he calls it, rightly so, that Urban should be canned for keeping a domestic abuser on his staff (see scenario 2 above). 

As usual, Dan puts it together as well as I could, so I’ll just cut and paste:

If Shelley Meyer didn’t tell Urban though, then the question is why? How could a woman claim Zach Smith “scares her” and offer sympathy for his alleged abuse victim but then not care enough to mention it to Urban Meyer, thus continuing to allow Zach Smith to coach and mentor Buckeyes football players?
It’s why the concept of Shelley saying nothing to Urban is, while possible, so improbable. Shelley Meyer is a strong woman. She is also a registered nurse and an instructor at Ohio State’s College of Nursing and thus is bound by Title IX statutes to report abuse. Urban Meyer, as a coach, is also mandated to report it.
If Urban Meyer knew anything at all about the 2015 incident, then he wasn’t just employing and covering up for an alleged violent abuser. Even last week he was still lying about it.
Where this MAY BE a little gray, if you’re a diehard suckeye fan still holding on to the slim hope of Meyer still being around for the opener, is that the abuse was a coach abusing his wife and not a student athlete.  Shelly’s bound to report abuse, but is it only abuse involving student athletes?  Or does that stretch to anyone being abused by suckeye staff, players or students? 

Where’s the line?  When does “Big Brother” stop being Big Brother?  Shelly could be as liable here as Urban…Maybe more so.  But, hey, she’s probably only pulling down 6 figures where Urban is pulling down $7.6M annually.  Yep, she’ll lie for that kind of dough….

But that little nuance, that Courtney wasn’t a student and wasn’t in any way “attached” to the suckeyes institution, other than through marriage to Zach, may be what the suckeyes are hiding behind.  I’d be interested in hearing what a Title IX expert has to say about that. 

Anyway, Dan wraps it up like this:

Urban Meyer, Shelley Meyer and Ohio State have yet to comment on the new allegations. Urban and athletic director Gene Smith were meeting as of early Wednesday afternoon.
The explanation better be substantial and exceedingly believable. Even then, it might not be enough.
The days of taking Urban Meyer’s word for much of anything are long past.
Thursday, After Meyer Is Put On Administrative Leave
Administrative leave is a temporary leave from a job assignment, with pay and benefits intact. ... An employee may be placed on administrative leave when an allegation of misconduct is made against an employee, either by a co-worker, student, parent, or an alleged victim.
So, now that we know the definition, administrative leave in a professional work place usually means that you may have been connected to a wrong-doing in the office and while you didn’t “directly” participate in the wrong-doing, the language in the employee manual or your contract more or less incriminates you in the wrong-doing for either not acting or supporting the individual that may have committed the wrong-doing.
After 24 hours and putting myself in Meyer’s shoes, I still can’t figure out why he lied about the situation.  He could have been transparent at the B1G Media Day, stating he knew of all the incidents but he was trying to help Smith and Smith had never been formally charged by the police.  And then when the incidents came to light, he had no choice but to let Smith go.  Honestly.  I think he believed he was doing the right thing.  But that’s the problem.  There was a right thing to do and Meyer didn’t do it.  He made a bad decision and it’s likely going to cost him everything.
As of Thursday at Noon, here’s what we know:
Does Meyer have any chance at all of surviving this? Here’s a link to a great article laying out what the suckeyes would have to defend in order to keep Meyer on board.  (Conclusion:  NOT GONNA HAPPEN).
The most damning items:  Meyer’s knowledge of the Florida situation and the fact that he was also trying to get Smith another job in July.  Not to mention his appearance at the B1G Media days claiming to have “no knowledge” of the incident in 2015 and also claiming that McMurphy “made the story up.”
The Timeline:  Based on this and all the “reports” that were flying around regarding Courtney and Coach Smith, and based on the fact that Meyer receives any and all police reports involving his players, are we supposed to believe that he had no clue as to what was transpiring with his receiver’s coach?  Again, sniff test fail…
The Inferred Conclusion that Meyer Had To Know:  This article sums it up pretty well.  From the text exchange between Courtney and Lindsey Voltolini (another wife of an assistant) to the exchange between Courtney and Shelly.  Meyer simply HAD TO KNOW about the 2015 incident, despite the fact that no charges were filed nor was an arrest made.
So, when does a domestic dispute warrant a job dismissal?  That becomes the question.  And if the police didn’t arrest or charge Smith, is he still at fault when it comes to his coaching position on the team?  That’s the question.  If I ran to the CEO – President every time I had a co-worker or subordinate come in and tell me about an issue with their spouse…well, how would that look?  Granted, there were photos and those are hard to stomach.  But the police didn’t do anything.  Why?  Is she a woman scorned?  Did she inflict all that on herself?  Is this going to become a “he said, she said” deal? 
Screwy situation, for sure.  And it’s not a situation where anyone will ever have all the facts.
The Contract Title IX Wording:  This is what will eventually bring Meyer down, even if he claims he didn’t know anything about the 2015 incident.  If he knew, he lied and did nothing.  If he truly DIDN’T KNOW, he should have and he’s displaying his complete incompetence.  Damned if he did and damned if he didn’t….
Meyer’s extension has a Title IX clause that requires him to report violations of Ohio State’s sexual misconduct policy.
“Coach shall promptly report to Ohio State’s Title IX Athletics any known violations of Ohio State’s Sexual Misconduct Policy (including, but not limited to, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, intimate violence and stalking) that involve any student, faculty or staff or that is in connection with a university sponsored activity or event. … For purposes of this Section 4.1 (e), a “known violation” shall mean a violation or allegation of a violation of Title IX that Coach is aware of or has reasonable cause is taking place or may have taken place.”
Ohio State placed Meyer on administrative leave Wednesday to investigate what he did and didn’t know about allegations that former assistant coach Zach Smith repeatedly abused his wife over the course of six years.
And the part where they could get him for hiring Smith with the knowledge from 2009:

Another provision in the contract
 opens a different avenue for OSU to potentially find cause to fire Meyer, who admitted last week that he was aware of 2009 allegations against Smith from both of their days at Florida before he hired him at Ohio State.
“It is recognized that this subsection” pertaining to grounds under which Meyer can be terminated for cause “encompasses findings or determinations of violations during employment of Coach at Ohio State or any other institution of higher learning.”
I’m not a lawyer, but this looks like Meyer is more or less up shit creek without a paddle.  It’ll probably be easier to just walk away from Meyer at this point.
Way Too Early Speculation About New Head Coach
I guess one of the perks is that the suckeyes can more or less have their pick of any of the major D1 coaches that are currently out there.  The only problem being that the suckeyes have been SO SUCCESFUL under Meyer that whoever replaces him is going to have his hands full with lofty expectations and goals.  A short list of NON-candidates and possible candidates:
Non candidates: 
Wilson, who is on the suckeye coaching staff, was not named interim due to the baggage he brought with him when he was canned from Indiana.  Schiano was also unjustly outed as having some sort of knowledge (from 20 years ago) regarding the Sandusky incident at PSU.  I have a feeling that either one of these coaches would have been a good fit in Columbus, but neither will get another chance.
Ash – Rutgers.  While only with the suckeyes for 2 seasons, one of them was 2015 when “all the coaches wives knew” about the abuse.  That reason alone will probably disqualify him from consideration. 
Anyone else with ties to the program or Meyer will be summarily rejected from consideration. 
Interim Coach Day:  Has only been on staff since 2017 and has a pretty good resume with respect to both collegiate experience and NFL experience.  A good season, ala Fisher at Michigan during the 6 game NCAA run and Day could find himself as the new head coach…
Hermann – Has probably figured out that his Alma-Mater Texas Shit-Show is more than any coach can handle and would jump at the opportunity to return to Columbus.  However, the Administration may be a little leery of the Meyer connection and whether or not HIS wife or Hermann himself knew anything and didn’t report it…But Hermann was only in Columbus from 2011-2014, so may not be an issue.
Durkin – currently at Maryland.  I’ve always believed that some program would jump at the chance to grab Durkin when the time came.  He’s a good coach and already hase experience in the B1G East division.  This would be the B1G cannibalizing it’s own, but this is the suckeyes.  Don’t be surprised…

Good News Maybe?  The Domers Are In Dis-Array At the Running Back Position!

I guess you can call this good news when a domers insider calls out the beleaguered running back group.  Sounds like they have a mess but are trying to find a way to get the position taken care of.  But that might not all be ironed out by the first game (YEAH!)

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