Tuesday, August 14, 2018

18 Days & Counting

Where Have You Been? 

Even the MMQ needs a break every now and then!  We planned a Circle Tour of Northern Michigan and we spent about 5 days bouncing all over the place.  And we had a great time and even ran into Lloyd Carr on Mackinaw Island!  How did that happen?  Well, we were sort of standing around trying to figure out what we were going to do once we got off the boat.  I was standing there people watching, as I like to do, and I saw this guy walk by.  In my mind I thought, “Jeez, that guy could be a Lloyd Carr look alike.”  And then my mind started working and I thought, “There’s NO WAY ANYONE looks that much like Lloyd Carr!”  So a quick “Lloyd!”, a re-introduction and handshake later and were chatting about this year’s team, his granddaughter going to Michigan (freshman) and other stuff.  And Lloyd agreed to a quick pic.  

Great morning overall!!!


Butterflies, the Cross in the Woods and other activities were part of the Round Robin Excursion of Michigan.  There’s a lot to do and see in this state and if you haven’t taken the time, you don’t know what you’re missing!

Yes, I left at a critical time regarding the recent headlines.  What’s a blogger gonna’ do?  MeyerGate, more players leaving the Michigan program (McDoom), Beilein having open heart surgery – YIKES!, and countless other headlines involving other schools and off the field activities.  So, without further ado, let’s jump into these messes….

What Are The “Facts” Of MeyerGate?

Here are the facts and they are undisputed:

1.     Meyer knew of Zach Smith’s arrest in 2009.  He was aware of an “Incident” in 2015 and also an Incident in May of 2018.
2.    Meyer LIED about knowing anything about two separate incidents where police were called to the Smith’s home 14 days apart in October of 2015, trying to state that “nothing happened.”
3.    Meyer later had a lawyer write and issue a “statement” on his behavior and how he “screwed up” what he stated during B1G Media Days. 
4.    Zach sent “texts” confirming his inappropriate behavior to his wife, regarding strangulation, womaninzing and drinking.
5.    Zach did in fact bring a co-worker home in a drunken stupor and tried to get his wife to let her “spend the night” after she had broken up with her boyfriend.
6.    Shelly Meyer and several other coach’s wives “knew” of the 2015 incidents.
7.    Gene Smith went on vacation last week during the onset of the 6-person “panel” to investigate the Meyer Situation.
8.    Meyer is still on Paid Administrative Leave.
9.    Courtney Smith’s mother has now entered into the fray of “He Said, She Said” and has put out there that Courtney wanted to bring Zach and osu “down”
10. Zach’s mother and mother-in-law have come out and made the same statement, including that Courtney would attack Zach and he was defending himself in every situation.  Including wrapping his hands around her throat in self-defense.
11. The “panel” has stated they want to wrap up their investigation in “14 days”, which I’m not sure the exact start date or end date is on that one.
12. It was “rumored” that Tom Hermann, former osu OC and now Texas HC, was the “Tipster” to McMurphy.  McMurphy has tweeted that Hermann was NOT the Tipster, but has refused to say how he was first clued in to the case.

The Meyer Statement

So, where does all that leave us?  As of Tuesday, Zach is being interviewed by the investigative panel.  Courtney met with the panel yesterday. 

If – this is a BIG IF – charges were never pressed and everything was in self-defense, why did Meyer need to fire Smith?

If – ANOTHER BIG IF – Meyer is NOW telling the truth (per his statement), why did he hire Zach in the first place, knowing of the domestic abuse and why DIDN’T he fire Zach immediately upon learning of the incidents in October of 2015?  I’m not buying the fact that Shelly and everyone else kept those incidents a secret from Meyer. 

Another incident in 2013 is that Smith received an OVI (Operating a Vehicle Under The Influence) that was later reduced by a judge that is an osu grad and a member of the osu President’s Club.   And that was ALSO kept hidden from Meyer.  Go figure. 

WHY didn’t Gene Smith tell Meyer that there was clearly an investigation into domestic abuse and where there’s smoke, there’s probably fire and it would be prudent to either micro-manage the situation or dismiss Zach for cause, based on his prior history in 2009?

Nope, nope, nope…none of this makes any sense and it’s clear to this individual that something was definitely going down in the Smith Household that involved domestic abuse.  

But, Meyer has more or less thrown his volley out there with his statement and appears to be ready to fight for his job based on the fact that he properly, “Followed Procedure.”

I really hate that.  It makes it SOUND like you were doing the right thing, but morally, we all now know that the didn’t DO the right thing.

Again, shocking that the NCAA has been so quiet on this one.  I guess after Sandusky, they learned their lesson that legal issues are legal issues.  Sort of like the LNU crap.  Not much they can really do accept investigate for lack of institutional control, which is always a tough one to nail down.   

DJ Durkin In Deep Doo-Doo

This one is sad because I really like this guy.   It seems like whenever ESPN decides to do a hit piece, coaching heads roll. 

Well, except those at LNU….

I couldn’t believe the death of McNair in today’s day and age where hydration and over-heating is more than well understood in addition to how much exercise an athlete should be performing under certain temperature conditions, etc.  So that alone was shocking.  But then for the rest to come out about Maryland’s environment and culture of abusive and demeaning behavior, well, that was really disturbing.

Believe me – Every successful coach has a “mean streak” in him and can get after it when necessary.  When kids need coaching, or a good swift KITA, they can administer as needed.  But there’s a fine line between “good coaching”/motivation and disrespect. 

You can’t cross that line…

I have a feeling when all this plays out, Durkin may have a hard time explaining that he didn’t know (or condone) Weight Trainer Court’s actions.  I think he’ll have to fall on the sword on this one. 

McDoom Transfers Out Of Michigan

This one really makes me sad as this guy was part of the all name team and I’ll really miss the “DOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!” whenever he did something exciting on the field.  McDoom was never utilized the way he should have been, and I put that on the coaching staff.  Jet sweeps only when McDoom was on the field was kind of a dead give-away, donchathink? 

Beilein Undergoes Heart Surgery

JB had to have bypass surgery!  In what was really surprising news, Beilein underwent the knife to fix some blockage in the ole ticker. 

The procedure, officially a "two-vessel coronary bypass graft surgery, was performed by Pagani in Ann Arbor. It is designed to "improve blood flow to the heart, by taking a healthy artery or vein from another part of the body and grafting it to the obstructed coronary artery." 

So far, JB is recovering and doing well.


Michigan Stadium Additions?

Based on the fact that waiting to get in a restroom during the games can at times be quite frustrating after a morning of tailgating, I think these would be a welcome addition at the Big House!!!

Okay – Maybe not…

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