Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bucket Lists...Theirs and a Few of My Own

The Michigan Daily recently ran a "pretty good" bucket list of things to do before you graduate. For all of them, you can click here and see what they had as worthy of doing before leaving Ann Arbor.

I will say, that out of the 38, I am happy to admit to accomplishing the following:

1. Taking a Final without Studying: But it was Anthropology and the Final Exam couldn't hurt my grade as I had aced the three mid terms. But you could take the final to see if you could improve to an A+. Of course, I had some engineering finals it felt like I hadn't studied for....

2. Get in Trouble with the Department of Public Safety: While not one of my proudest moments, I felt it necessary to occassionally challenge the shanty town on the diag that stood for God knows what and in a drunken stupor, go knock the shanty over. This was, get this, a punishable offense via ticketing and fines! Yes, I ran from Public Safety and Ann Arbor's finest once or twice. Stumbling out of Dooley's with a beer in my hand and a record sprint through the Nickel's Arcade is still quite memorable.

3. Farmer's Market: Yes I did it. No, it wasn't worth it. Maybe now, but then, no.

4. Attend a Small Sport Competition: Always fun. Baseball, wrestling, and a gymnastics event, not to mention an indoor track meet (Big 10 invitational) and outdoor track as well.

5. Main Street Bar Crawl: Well, yeah....

6. Laundry: Come on...If you weren't doing your own, you were a loser...

7. Mud Bowl: Usually too hungover to care, but stumbled down for one or two of them...

8. Quality Time with a Professor: IOE Professor Miller. Invited into his "inner circle" and to his house on the Huron River. Hung out, drank his beer and listened to him tell stories of chasing ski bunnies at Sun Valley. That was a great semester!

9. Gettin' Down and Dirty in the Stacks: at the Graduate Library...Yes, another moment I would prefer my daughters didn't hear about... But some great memories none the less! (yes, that's plural....) So there are some daughters out there that will make fantasies come true.

10. North Campus time: Come on, I was an engineering student...I logged more hours there than I care to remember.

11. Sneak into the Big House After Hours: (And get down and dirty on the 50). Yes, I managed to pull that one off, too. I was a summer camp counselor one summer and managed to get into all sorts of trouble. But the 50 yard line under the moon light is a great memory.

12. Toga Party: Yes, did that too...South Quad with Helen Newberry house (that's the all girls dorm on State St.)

13. Attend Game at Yost: Still do...

14. Go to An Away Game: Well, yeah....

15. Drink only keg beer at a Frat party to get drunk: Well, yeah, again....What else would you do?

16. Streaking through the Diag: Okay, I didn't really do this one (in the Diag), but my girlfriend and some of her friends dared me to strip down and run through the Arboretum at night...Which I did.

17. Knock on Mary Sue (or President's) door: Summer counseling, Dominick's Strawberry Daquiri's ($5 a pitcher, at the time) and midnight. And some dares. Actually, we might have urinated on the shrubbery and then knocked.

18. Intramural Sports: Yep...Been there, done that. Actually managed to play in the practice facility for the flag football "finals" in our division. That was the 175 lbs. and under division...but it was fun, none the less.

Now, the list wouldn't be compelete if I didn't add at least a couple of my own.

19. Hanging out, partying and getting down (again) on the roof of South Quad in the summer time...Camp counselor thing again...

20. Rapelling off the 12 story school of dentistry building...yet I still seem to have a somewhat irrational fear of heights.

21. Sneaking beer and a bottle into the State Street Theater and catching a porno flick at at Midnight with the South Quad troop. Imagine 25 or so drunks chanting "Go! Go! Go!" along with a bunch of other drunk guys (and some gals) and it was a great party atmosphere, believe it or not.

22. Picture Man. Oh, the stories I could tell being a Picture Man. Best Friday-Saturday night job on campus, by far. Bartending and waitressing might be fun, but this job allowed you to not only photograph drunks, but you made money doing it.

23. Catching a Monty Python or Looney Tunes flim festival at any of the Student Movie nights in the auditoriums around campus...

24. Catching a Summer Time Movie at the Power Center.

25. Walking around Art Fair and stopping at all the pubs along the way...

26. Stumbling across town to hang out at the Blind Pig for $2 beers...

27. Participating in the "Tug" as part of living in South Quad....

28. Canoeing on the Huron River - with friends and a case of beer (counselor thing again...)

29. Going to a Michigan Football Player's Party.....And a Michigan Marching Band Party.

30. If you're fortunate enough, go to a Rose Bowl. (or any bowl for that matter)

That's a pretty compelete list, for me anyway. I only wish I had a chance to relive a couple of these as they were memorable, but memories do fade over time. And of course, you can never go back, but that's not always the point. Live for the moment and enjoy. You never get a second chance.

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